A Tiny Gold Ball Is the Smallest Object to Have Its Gravity Measured

The gravitational force from Newton’s law has been studied for a long time, but it has not been researched enough for miniature objects. Newtons law of gravitation states that two objects will attract one and another by directly proportional force from their masses and conversely proportional distance between them. Scientists are testing how small they can go with still using quantum rules. 

Recently, scientists have proved that even the size of a two-millimeter gold ball has a gravitational pull. With a mass of only 90 milligrams, it is the tiniest object proved to have these results. The tests were successful by putting two of the same spheres on a wire. Scientists will continue to try and push the limitations of these experiments to see how small an object can be with still having a gravitational pull. 

Read the Full Article at Science News: A Tiny Gold Ball Is the Smallest Object to Have Its Gravity Measured 

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