Dr. Lea Nyiranshuti is currently a post-doctoral associate in the Department of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Lea Nyiranshuti performing an experiment in a laboratory

Dr. Lea Nyiranshuti is from Rwanda (Africa), and she is currently a post-doctoral associate in the Department of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Dr. Nyiranshuti’s current research focuses on the development of radiotracers targeting immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils and T cells) for imaging the tumor microenvironment and for imaging tuberculosis granulomas by using positron emission tomography (PET). Dr. Nyiranshuti completed her bachelor’s studies (Magna Cum Laude) in Chemistry from California Baptist University (CBU).

Through a partnership between the Government of Rwanda and California Baptist University, Dr. Nyiranshuti obtained a merit-based full scholarship for undergraduate studies. After graduating from CBU, she went directly to graduate school at the University of New Hampshire (UNH), where she obtained a doctoral degree (PhD) in Chemistry. At UNH, Dr. Nyiranshuti’s research focused on design, synthesis and characterization of bifunctional ligands and fluorescent sensors for bioavailable Cu(II), Zn(II) and Fe(III).

Dr. Nyiranshuti is a zealous and highly motivated researcher, and by partaking in cutting-research in chemistry, she satisfies her deepest scientific curiosity while contributing to the betterment of the society. AFRISNET highlights her accomplishments as an example to students and professionals aspiring to pursue academic research through graduate school. 

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