Dr. Aimable Uwizeye poses for a picture in Rome, Italy.

Dr Aimable Uwizeye is interested in global change towards a sustainable livestock sector. He is a Livestock Policy Officer at FAO in Rome, Italy. He has more than ten years’ experience in livestock development, animal health and environmental assessment of the global livestock sector. At the beginning of his career, Uwizeye worked for the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources in Rwanda. He has experience in Africa, Europe, Asia and North America.

At FAO, Uwizeye provides technical expertise to the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership for the development of internationally agreed guidelines to assess the environmental performance of livestock systems. Uwizeye has supported the investment in livestock sector in Africa by the World Bank and contributes to the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL). With his passion for livestock systems modelling, he co-led the team that has updated the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM). Previously, he studied the effects of yeasts on the subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in beef cattle at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre in Alberta, Canada.

Uwizeye holds a doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and a double master’s degree in Sustainable Development in Agriculture, focusing on sustainable livestock production and farming systems in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. He also holds a PhD in Global Animal Production systems from Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands.

Recently Dr Aimable Uwizeye led an international team of researchers during an impact assessment of the large amount of human-associated nitrogen that is released into the environment every year. In their latest paper, Nitrogen emissions along global livestock supply chains, published in the journal Nature Food, the group describes attempting to measure the amounts of human-associated nitrogen that is released into the environment and the impact it has.

Read the Full Publication in Nature Food >>


Highland Cattle

attle relaxing in a field. Image courtesy of Dr Aimable Uwizeye.

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